Catch up on our latest podcast & gain further science educator insights.
How FOSS Incorporates English Language Arts (ELA) Skills
When teaching science, strengthening Language Arts skills is as essential as engaging curious minds. Reading, writing, speaking, and other ELA tools allow learners to record observations, collaborate in class, and even make sense of their own thinking.
The FOSS® science curriculum is specifically designed to foster the natural connection between science and language, providing educators with opportunities to teach both valuable skills at once. Lessons combine exciting, hands-on learning and exploration with essential language skills, so teachers can optimize time and effort.
Read more to learn how the FOSS methodology incorporates ELA learning to help educators streamline instructional time while continuing to cultivate students’ excitement for science.
Here’s what you’ll find this month:
Hot Topics in Science: English Language Arts Connections
Ideas and Inspirations Blog Post: FOSS® Supports ELA Skills with Hands-On Active Investigations
FOSS® Pathways™ Sampler
Activity Download
NEW Episode! “It’s Time for Science” Podcast
FOSSWeb and ThinkLink User Updates
Events Coming Soon!
Hot Topics in Science
English Language Arts Connections
FOSS connects science to English through readings, Science Notebook writings, and teacher support for ELLs. FOSS is intentionally designed to promote connections between science and language arts and to help build critical literacy skills.
Explore the curriculum developed to prioritize your students' needs and designed to captivate and inspire students from diverse backgrounds and various skill levels.
Science Centered Literacy Integration with FOSS Learn how FOSS® combines curriculum for science with ELA learning, helping educators optimize time and maximize learning. Read More ››
Explore one of our exciting samplers and discover how FOSS Pathways can transform your lessons, plus, check out our new releases. Explore this month’s spotlight sampler: Living Systems.
Episode #17 “It’s Time for Science” Podcast: ELD and Science Instruction
Listen to this month’s podcast, as host Tom Racine and guests Diana B. Vélez and Veronica Gallardo discuss ELD (English language development) and science instruction.
Take a look at our upcoming FOSS professional learning opportunities, in a wide variety of topics. Check out our current offerings!
ThinkLink Webinar: FOSSmap Digital Assessment System 1-hour Online Webinar
This FREE 1-hour webinar provides a walk-through of FOSSmap assessment features to help support assessment and student progress monitoring in the grades 3-8 FOSS classroom.
ThinkLink Support: Back to School Refresher 1-hour Online Webinar
This FREE 1-hour webinar is for teachers and administrators who would like a review of ThinkLink navigation and frequently used features.
ThinkLink Support: Onboarding for New Users 1-hour Online Webinar
This FREE 1-hour webinar is for teachers and administrators who are new to ThinkLink.
ThinkLink Support: Tips & Tricks 1-hour Online Webinar
This FREE 1-hour webinar provides a walkthrough of ThinkLink features to help support successful implementation in the classroom.
Hey FOSS Facebook followers—we’re also on Instagram! Join the FOSS Instagram community for the latest news and exclusive opportunities to win supplies. Be sure to follow us, comment, and tag your friends and colleagues!
Did you know: FOSSweb courses support literacy through the use of a read-aloud tool in our eBooks and a line-reader tool in all assessments. To extend literacy and science learning at home, a recommended book list can be found under the Family Resources and Extensions section in all Pre-K through 5 grade courses.
Introducing an App for iOS and Android Devices!
Did you know that our FOSS eBooks are available on iOS and Android devices!? Look for the following icon in the App Store or Play Store to get the app today! With the app, eBooks can be downloaded and used offline.
The ThinkLink Support Team is available to walk you through any technical or usability questions you may encounter on the ThinkLink platform. They are available via e-mail or by phone: 800–258–1302, option 6, Monday through Friday 8-5:30pm ET. Contact the ThinkLink Support Team.
Science Refill Center
Looking to optimize your budget this school year? Refill Your Science Kits today to be sure they will be ready for the start of the new school year.
Our online Science Refill Center is open 24/7. It's fast, easy, and convenient.